Impact on Work, School, Finances – Cathy


Cathy shares her disappointment about having to give up a career that she loved.


It changes your life because now I’m a vet-  a veteran. I wanted to do 35 years. I’m the one who signed that contract and said you know what I’m ready to go. And I want to be able to choose when I was going to say that’s enough. I’m done and I’ve had an amazing time but unfortunately I wasn’t able to do that. This sickness made me do this. Made me quit. And I don’t quit. I’m not that kind of person. But I had no choice now. So I got released from the military and ever since then I’m at home. I can’t tell you what my life is right now because I don’t even know. I’ve been off work for 2 years. And trying to accept that is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Its harder than being deployed and wondering what’s going on with your family. Its your life and I’d rather be deployed than be living with this.

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